Vintage Simplicity 9852 Strikes Again! (shorts version 2)

Remember these shorts? Well, today I made another pair, out of…get this… a curtain that I got for $1 at the thrift store. Yup – a curtain. No pockets this time. Actually, I did make pockets, but I screwed them up. So rather than unpick everything and re-position them, I simply cut them off and… Continue reading Vintage Simplicity 9852 Strikes Again! (shorts version 2)

Vintage Simplicity 9158: Shorts!

I do not own a single pair of shorts. Okay. Not true. I actually own several pairs of shorts, that I bought several summers ago after I lost 65 pounds. (Yes I did! Read about it here and here). But I can’t fit into them anymore. 🙁 I’m working on it! I will get back… Continue reading Vintage Simplicity 9158: Shorts!

Sewing a Hexagon Quilt

There hasn’t been much in the way of quilty stuff on my blog lately. Probably because I’m living out at the lake right now, and no electricity equals no sewing machine. But I wouldn’t let that stop me, eh?         My friend Melissa had sent me a little care package containing (among… Continue reading Sewing a Hexagon Quilt

Just Write {6} The Hallmark of Summer’s End

Driving in to work this morning down the wilderness highway from Fox Lake we pass the first clusters of school children standing in the clear morning light at the ends of long driveways waiting for the first glimpse of the yellow school bus to appear on the horizon. Tendrils and wisps of fog rise from… Continue reading Just Write {6} The Hallmark of Summer’s End