Book Coaching

There’s nothing quite as motivating as knowing someone is on the other end of the line, waiting for your pages to pop into their inbox. A real, live human being who doesn’t just work with your words, but works with YOU – the person behind the words. The person with something to say.

Whether you’re starting a manuscript from scratch or doing a revision, I fill the role of project manager as you write, helping you stay true to your story point, keeping an eye on your outline, and brainstorming with you on how to weave in any new threads that inevitably present themselves.

As your coach, I also help you set priorities, establish goals, identify resources, brainstorm fixes, create action plans, ask clarifying questions, provide examples, and help with skills training. I’m in your corner, cheering you on.

Writing without revising is the literary equivalent of waltzing gaily out of the house in your underwear.”

Patricia Fuller

I Offer Two Coaching Services:

Holistic Revision and Classic Coaching

1. Holistic Revision Coaching

For writers with a finished manuscript draft (novel or memoir) who:

  • …feel overwhelmed by the process.
  • …have been tinkering away, not sure if the things they’ve been fixing are actually the things that are wrong. Also known as the revision cycle of doom. Also also known as revision hell.
  • …have ‘been there, done that’ with the above, and know that help exists in the form of a book coach.

Revision Coaching is also for writers who’ve started a draft with great intentions but have gotten lost along the way for all of the above reasons.

Why make a plan to revise?

Abe Lincoln said it best:

Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.

Using the Author Accelerator tools created by Jennie Nash*, I will guide and support you through the process of breaking down and assessing your manuscript, brainstorming and strategizing fixes for what needs attention (sharpening the ax), and then coaching you through the execution of those fixes.

When you’re ready to hit the pages and execute the revision plan, you can move into standard 1:1 coaching if you’d like me beside you as you write through the revision. For budgeting purposes, plan for an additional 16-20 rounds of classic 1:1 coaching (approximate, of course.)

2. Classic 1:1 On-Coaching

You’ll get personalized feedback on your manuscript pages, accountability, editorial and emotional support while you write.

I listen, help you brainstorm & problem-solve, guide you past the roadblocks, and help you stick to your goals.

I’m your personal cheerleader, always in your corner.

The goal is to help you write the best book you can. A book with a POINT. A book that’s emotionally impactful. A book that readers will want to give to all their friends. A book that will make a difference in the world. A book that you will be proud of.

Both Services Consist of ‘Coaching Rounds’

A single round of coaching consists of the following:

1. One Deadline, by which your pages, worksheets, or assignments are submitted to me. These would be up to 20 pages (5,500 words), a combination of new and rewritten chapters, or assigned worksheets, depending on what project we’re working on. The focus is on you and meeting your needs as a writer.

2. Written Feedback on your pages in the form of margin notes, in-line comments, & an editorial memo sent back to you.

3. One 60-minute on-line coaching call.

Your investment:
Each round of book coaching: $250
Two deadlines per month: $500

Most writers find bimonthly submission deadlines provide the most progress while also being manageable with daily life.

*A few notes about my process:

One of the tools I use with all my clients is the Blueprint for a Book method developed by Jennie Nash of Author Accelerator. No matter what stage of the writing process you’re in, we always start with at least some parts of the blueprint.

Why? Think of your novel as a house – it won’t matter how many beautiful paintings you hang on the wall, they’re ALL going to hang crooked if the house is sitting on a wonky foundation. Let’s start by making sure those story-bones are nice and straight!

What is it?  The blueprint is a set of curated questions and worksheets aimed at helping us figure out what it is you want to say, how you want to say it, and why. What you come away with is clarity around your story and a path forward.

About Feedback

None of us can raise the bar and get where we want to go without the learning opportunity that feedback gives us. Professionally-minded writers know that they need someone to tell them the truth about what’s missing or unclear. What isn’t working and why. To offer solutions and help brainstorm the best path forward.

I also believe honest feedback can and should be given with sensitivity and respect.  I do everything I can to ensure that our book coaching relationship is a safe space to discuss your work.