About Me

I believe it’s important to have a purpose. To be good at something. To use that something to help others.

Nita Collins

Hi! I’m Nita.

I’ve always written, and even though I knew I’d write novels someday, it wasn’t until I was approaching retirement that “someday” finally arrived. I started taking creative writing courses, buying craft books, and reading all the writing blogs. Before I knew it, I was mired up to my eyebrows in baffling rules and contradictory advice. Talk about frustrating!

All I wanted was someone who could show me how all those craft concepts and terms actually work on the page.

Someone who wouldn’t just point out where I was going wrong and why, but who would celebrate my strengths as a writer, too. It would have been such a relief.

Can you relate?

As an Author Accelerator certified book coach, I have the training to help make that difference for you. I love helping writers get their stories out of their heads and onto the page in a way that grabs the reader and doesn’t let go.

Interested? Drop me a line and tell me what you need. I’d love to talk.

In both my personal and work life, I believe:

… in balance.

… in clarity, communication, creativity, compassion, curiosity, and kindness.

… in the scientific method.

… that hope is passive.

… that results require action.

… in the intrinsic right of all beings to love and be loved without question.

… in the intrinsic right of all beings to be treated with respect.

… that the climate crisis is real.

… that as a species, humans must make hard decisions, and that we won’t like it, we must accept the sacrifices and inconveniences required of those decisions in order to save our ecosystem and ourselves.

I am or have been:

…a light house keeper, knitter, quilter, musician, performing artist, administrative assistant, bellydance instructor, dance company leader, choreographer, band manager, child care worker, writer, novelist, and certified book coach.

I write my newsletter/blog Letters to Vi because I’ve been around the block a few times and I’ve got a few things to say.

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