Dear Vi, Around this time back in 2021, I completed a year-long training program, passed the three required practicums, and received my certification through Author Accelerator, under the founder, Jennie Nash. Getting my certification was hard. Sure, learning curves are always steep, and the course was (and still is!) comprehensive and very robust. But that’s… Continue reading The long, hard road to becoming a practicing book coach, part 1
Author: Nita
I’m an Author Accelerator Certified Book Coach!
Dear Vi, If you’ve visited the website lately, you’ll have noticed a few changes. Well, a lot of changes actually. A new URL, for one. A new business, for another! I started the Covid year by enrolling in the very robust and highly esteemed Author Accelerator book coaching program, and last month I received my… Continue reading I’m an Author Accelerator Certified Book Coach!
A Bookcase Quilt for Jade
Dear Vi, I wanted to show you the quilt that I made for the daughter of a very dear friend two years ago. I’d made Jade a baby quilt when she was small, but she was turning 12 in 2018. Not a little girl anymore. It was time to make her a quilt that would… Continue reading A Bookcase Quilt for Jade
Six things Mr. Rogers said that help me cope with Covid-19
Dear Vi, Do you remember Mr. Rogers and his neighbourhood? In every episode, he wore a sweater that was knit just for him by his very own mother. I just love that. He once said something very wise that many of us, (especially writers, knitters, and quilters!) know to be true: “Solitude is different from… Continue reading Six things Mr. Rogers said that help me cope with Covid-19
The Weather Outside: Frightful and Delightful
Dear Vi, While my friends on the west coast are enjoying a bit of a cool and rainy summer, here in Dawson City, Yukon things have been quite delightful. Well, for the most part, anyway.We did go through a couple of weeks of being choked by smoke from forest fires, but thankfully no longer. Now… Continue reading The Weather Outside: Frightful and Delightful
A Stearman Biplane in Dawson City, Yukon
Dear Vi, I believe I have not yet told you what brought Kelly and I to Dawson City last summer…and what brought us back again this year. This is it – a vintage Stearman biplane. She’s a beauty, eh? Kelly was hired to ferry her from Ontario to Dawson last summer. It was a long… Continue reading A Stearman Biplane in Dawson City, Yukon