A perfect autumn day

Today is the kind of day that I quit teaching on Sundays for. Okay – I know – today is Saturday, not Sunday. But Saturday used to be kind of stressful with the pressure to get my lesson plans, errands and house-related work done before supper so that I could collapse and have some down time before going to work on Sunday. This morning felt slow and leisurely by contrast, as I had a cup of tea and baked 2 batches of cookies: chocolate chip and peanut butter. Yum! (and by the way, I love love love my new convection oven!) Then I went outside and dug the potatoes, emptied & put away the flower containers on the deck, and helped Kelly rake the leaves. It feels good to have everything put to bed and ready for the winter. Later today we’ll run the car through the carwash and take Sammy for a nice long walk around the Millennium Trail.  Tonight I’m making spagetti and a spinach/tomato salad for supper and then we’re going to settle in with the TV for a bit. I’ll do some mending and maybe pick up my knitting (I hate to have idle hands).  It sounds like a lot for a Saturday, I know,  but it actually feels leisurely – and look! It’s only 3pm and I’ve even written this blog AND have a cuppa tea at my elbow! This day feels perfectly balanced. Wow!

Here are some autumn day photos:


The autumn face of my secret garden…

Sammy helps…

Raking the yard…

Enough wood to keep us warm for the winter…

I love autumn!



Categorized as Balance, life

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