A walk on a sunny October day

Dear Vi, It was so pretty this afternoon, I just had to take Sam out for a walk. Actually, it was Sam who took me. I was happily basting a quilt, head down, paying no attention at all to leaves blowing over the lawn, sunshine streaming through the windows and bouncing rainbows around the room.… Continue reading A walk on a sunny October day

Back in the Yukon! Looking through the Cabin Windows at Fox Lake, Yukon

Dear Vi, We arrived in the Yukon three weeks ago today. Goodness, how the time flies! I thought you might like to see what I see when I look out my cabin windows! The cabin is really just one big room, with a divider that sections off the “bedroom.” We have four windows, one each facing… Continue reading Back in the Yukon! Looking through the Cabin Windows at Fox Lake, Yukon

Polishing Edits

Dear Vi, It’s been awhile since I’ve mentioned the manuscript. Were you wondering what’s up with it? Well, at the end of February I sent it out to a few friends who volunteered to be beta readers. While they were reading, I put the manuscript away and moved on to other things. I felt so… Continue reading Polishing Edits

Tea and Applesauce at Dawn

Dear Vi, I woke up early this morning. I tried to go back to sleep, I really did. I arranged my pillow, rearranged my pillow, stuck my foot out, turned over, turned back. You know the routine. Finally, I got up. It wasn’t really early anymore…not quite six. I turned on the bedside lamp and… Continue reading Tea and Applesauce at Dawn

Letters to Vi

Dear Vi, Blogging has always felt a little bit awkward to me. From the beginning, I’ve wanted to address each post as though it were a letter. But it always felt awkward. A letter to whom? And yet it feels just as strange to open a new page and simply start talking. I’m old-school that… Continue reading Letters to Vi