Head and Shoulders, Knees and…Elbows? Searching for ergonomic solutions in small writing spaces

Dear Vi, I hate to be a complainer, but I just have to tell you: Too much hand quilting, knitting, typing, and gripping heavy weights at the gym have given me tennis elbow in both arms and caused the arthritis in my hands to flare up. It’s my own fault. I let it go too… Continue reading Head and Shoulders, Knees and…Elbows? Searching for ergonomic solutions in small writing spaces

Tea and Applesauce at Dawn

Dear Vi, I woke up early this morning. I tried to go back to sleep, I really did. I arranged my pillow, rearranged my pillow, stuck my foot out, turned over, turned back. You know the routine. Finally, I got up. It wasn’t really early anymore…not quite six. I turned on the bedside lamp and… Continue reading Tea and Applesauce at Dawn

Knitting and writing a Novel are more alike than you think!

Did I tell you that I finished my novel again? This isn’t the first time I’ve finished it, of course. The first finished draft was the equivalent of a scarf knitted up in open lace-work. Silky threads to hold everything together, but full of holes. When it was as ready as I could get it,… Continue reading Knitting and writing a Novel are more alike than you think!

Knitting till the words come home

Sometimes writing a novel feels an awful lot like waiting. And what does any sane person do while waiting? Sigh. I know. It’s the words. I’m waiting for the words. Meanwhile, I’ve been doing a lot of knitting.  

Knitting and Novel Writing… and Lord of the Dance for the letter L

Dear Vi, So, you remember a couple of days ago when I told you about the green sweater I wanted to knit? I’m so glad I decided to switch patterns. Somehow the way this sweater pattern is written reminds me of how I’m writing my novel. What? On sweaters I’ve knit in the past, you… Continue reading Knitting and Novel Writing… and Lord of the Dance for the letter L

To Write or Not to Write (…what was the question?)

Both Elizabeth Berg (Escaping into the Open) and Carolyn See (Making a Literary Life) advise against telling people that you are writing a book. Why? Because then people will, of course, want to know what it’s about. It goes like this: You: So, what do you do? Me: Oh, nothing much – this and that… Continue reading To Write or Not to Write (…what was the question?)