A walk on a sunny October day

Dear Vi, It was so pretty this afternoon, I just had to take Sam out for a walk. Actually, it was Sam who took me. I was happily basting a quilt, head down, paying no attention at all to leaves blowing over the lawn, sunshine streaming through the windows and bouncing rainbows around the room.… Continue reading A walk on a sunny October day

Tea and Applesauce at Dawn

Dear Vi, I woke up early this morning. I tried to go back to sleep, I really did. I arranged my pillow, rearranged my pillow, stuck my foot out, turned over, turned back. You know the routine. Finally, I got up. It wasn’t really early anymore…not quite six. I turned on the bedside lamp and… Continue reading Tea and Applesauce at Dawn

I never in a million years would have believed I’d move so far away from home…and a home yoga practice

I’ve been thinking lately about how we identify with place. Last year at a gathering in Whitehorse, I was introduced as being from Salmon Arm, BC. Which, I suppose, is true, since that’s where I’m living right now. I had, after all, flown in for the event. But at time, we had only been gone… Continue reading I never in a million years would have believed I’d move so far away from home…and a home yoga practice

Simplicity 4097 in the Fall of the Year

Combine 2.5 m of beautiful wool-blend Prince of Wales suiting and Simplicity 4097 and what do you get? The perfect fall jumper! I’ve always wanted a jumper, something easy that I can just pull on over top of leggings and a blouse (or a full set of long johns, lol!) It isn’t the most flattering… Continue reading Simplicity 4097 in the Fall of the Year

Stolen Summer Kisses in my October Garden

We are greeted by a thick bank of lake fog every morning, lately. Some times we can’t even see the far side of the lake, it’s so thick. The air is chilly and everything is dripping with dew.  By noon, though, the sun has burned off the last wisps and the air is clear and… Continue reading Stolen Summer Kisses in my October Garden

Gardening in a Sundress: Retired in the Shuswap

Warning: my beautiful pictures have posted upside down again. I do not understand. sorry for the discombobulation…I hope you will enjoy the post anyway. The early morning air is cool when I step outside and stand for a moment on the front porch. I’m savouring the start of the day, before heat drives me inside… Continue reading Gardening in a Sundress: Retired in the Shuswap