Dancing, Knitting, Quilting, Gardening: a perfect Sunday!

I had such a lovely morning giving Jade her first bellydance lesson today! We did knee shimmies, twist shimmies, played with some veils and learned to walk like a princess/dancer (pointing the toes before each step and walking lightly on the balls of the feet). Here she is: That beautiful posture and dancer’s arms come… Continue reading Dancing, Knitting, Quilting, Gardening: a perfect Sunday!

Happy Mother’s Day Weekend!

My goodness…I opened up the website to write a mother’s day post and saw that this will be post number 201! Now how did that upcoming milestone get past me, I wonder? I think I better start planning ahead a bit better because surely a prize would have been appropriate. Well, never say never, and… Continue reading Happy Mother’s Day Weekend!

Just Write {5} – Michael’s first bike

You got your first bike when you were four because you had started throwing tantrums and daddy said no way we’re not rewarding bad behaviour but I said he needs his freedom from the daycare kids in the back yard, he is getting older he needs to be allowed to do more, trusted to be… Continue reading Just Write {5} – Michael’s first bike

Little Boy Prints Needed ASAP

I am using my 15-minute coffee break to dash off this quick little blog post, which is actually a request to any of you who quilt.  I spoke to the social worker that took the pink Valentine quilt last month. She told me that the little girl who received it was SO EXCITED! Yay! Happy happy happy!… Continue reading Little Boy Prints Needed ASAP