Gardening in a Sundress: Retired in the Shuswap

Warning: my beautiful pictures have posted upside down again. I do not understand. sorry for the discombobulation…I hope you will enjoy the post anyway. The early morning air is cool when I step outside and stand for a moment on the front porch. I’m savouring the start of the day, before heat drives me inside… Continue reading Gardening in a Sundress: Retired in the Shuswap

Just Write {6} The Hallmark of Summer’s End

Driving in to work this morning down the wilderness highway from Fox Lake we pass the first clusters of school children standing in the clear morning light at the ends of long driveways waiting for the first glimpse of the yellow school bus to appear on the horizon. Tendrils and wisps of fog rise from… Continue reading Just Write {6} The Hallmark of Summer’s End

Just Write {4}

Mr. C. ( for considerate) went away last week to do some training in Vancouver and then off to visit family and friends for a few days. It was so nice for him because he really needed the break. It was considerate of him to do that, too, because I took the opportunity to take that week off myself.… Continue reading Just Write {4}