Vintage Dresden Plate Quilt

This Dresden Plate quilt was given to us by Kelly’s grandmother, Louise Collins when we were newly married, many years ago. Louise was born in 1895. If she were still living, she would be 119 years old! It was given to Louise by her good friend Cathy Dunbar of Vancouver, BC. I am relying on… Continue reading Vintage Dresden Plate Quilt

Learning to be Retired

I am sitting at my kitchen table with my coffee and my laptop, looking out past the patio and over a couple of rooftops to the lake below thinking about why I have been unable to organize my thoughts to write a retirement post. Then this morning I read this blog post by Tamara Reddy… Continue reading Learning to be Retired

99 Square Feet: a tiny space with a big heart

I got a note from a friend the other day week reminding me that I haven’t posted any pictures of my creative space yet. Thank you to Shannon for the inspiration and nudge to get it done! This is the North wall: The mirror is for dance practice.  The bookshelf holds my yoga, aerobics &… Continue reading 99 Square Feet: a tiny space with a big heart

A Hexagon Quilt Update and some Treasure

Do you remember when I started this quilt last July? I have been working on it every single evening, especially over the last month since I arrived at our new home. Sammy consented to pose so you could get a sense of perspective, size-wise: I does have a certain old-fashioned charm, doesn’t it? ♥ And… Continue reading A Hexagon Quilt Update and some Treasure

Cheers for a Playful 2014!

Hello and Happy New Year! Have you ever chosen a word just one single word to guide you through the year? For the last couple of years I’ve held the word balance close to my heart. It was the word that helped me to navigate a very busy life: teaching up to 5 dance classes… Continue reading Cheers for a Playful 2014!