The Best Ever Oatmeal: a crock pot breakfast

I love oatmeal for breakfast. But not just any oatmeal…I love steel cut oats cooked overnight in my crock pot. Everybody seems to call these by a different name. I call them steel-cut oats. I’ve also heard them called Irish oats, or groats. Here’s what they look like: Here’s the box they came in: They… Continue reading The Best Ever Oatmeal: a crock pot breakfast

Four things to build Momentum in 2015

Do you choose a word to guide you for the year? Last year I chose the word Play. You can read about it here (and there are also some great family photos on that post, too!) It was the perfect word for my first year of retirement. But now it’s time to switch things up.… Continue reading Four things to build Momentum in 2015

Vintage Adjust-O-Matic Dress Form and a Healthy Body Image

Have you ever seen one of these? Made in the mid-1960s and costing only $6.95: “with your Adjust-o-Matic dress form you see in advance just how attractive and becoming your dress, skirt, coat or blouse will look!” Inside the box was a bewildering assortment of pieces. I have to admit, as a person who kind… Continue reading Vintage Adjust-O-Matic Dress Form and a Healthy Body Image

Cheers for a Playful 2014!

Hello and Happy New Year! Have you ever chosen a word just one single word to guide you through the year? For the last couple of years I’ve held the word balance close to my heart. It was the word that helped me to navigate a very busy life: teaching up to 5 dance classes… Continue reading Cheers for a Playful 2014!

yoga & my crock pot

One of the things I learned in Weight Watchers was to pre-plan and prepare meals ahead of time. Now, while I always admired people who were organized enough to do that, it wasn’t something that I ever actually tried to do very often for myself. I was always too busy. Oh, sometimes I’d go through… Continue reading yoga & my crock pot