A sick day, a quilt blog and a little tea snorting

Before hubby left for work this morning, he made sure I was tucked up on the couch in my jammies and a quilt, with a cup of tea and 2 aspirin at my elbow, my laptop and iPad, and about a dozen sewing projects close to hand. Yup, he’s a keeper, that one! Did you guess… Continue reading A sick day, a quilt blog and a little tea snorting

One Yukon Minute: Sept 29, 2012 @ Fox Lake Campground

This month I’m joining Blogtoberfest with the goal of blogging as many days this month as I can. Since I don’t have internet at theLake, I’ll probably miss the Saturday posts, but that’s okay. I’ll be blogging in spirit. Visit the Blogtoberfest link on the sidebar and check out what everyone else has to say… Continue reading One Yukon Minute: Sept 29, 2012 @ Fox Lake Campground

Another Look at the Sky at Night

I’ve gotten into the habit of reading quilting blogs, and I am always impressed by the fabulous photos of the quilts on them. When I finished Amber’s quilt I took a few mildly “artsy” photos and they turned out great! Then when I finished Nora’s “stars in her eyes” quilt, I got a little braver and really… Continue reading Another Look at the Sky at Night

One Yukon Minute: Fox Lake Sept 23, 2012

 Sometimes we forget to stop and just rest our eyes on something beautiful in nature. We are so plugged in: the radio is playing, ear buds are in, and there are traffic noises or the background hum of appliances. We forget how important it is to just listen to the wind in the leaves or the waves on the… Continue reading One Yukon Minute: Fox Lake Sept 23, 2012