Brought to you by the letter Z for Jazz, baby!

Zap! …I really can’t believe the month is over and this is the last A-Z challenge post! No more daily Nita in your inbox! I love the letter Z. There are a lot of great things I could have written about that actually start with a z, but I found out just a few minutes… Continue reading Brought to you by the letter Z for Jazz, baby!

Y: Yukon meditation

In 2012 I did a series of one minute films that I called “one Yukon minute.” The idea was to spend one minute in meditation, looking at a photograph…except it would be a living photograph, with movement and sound. Serene. Tranquil. Something to reflect on and calm the mind. A moving meditation, so to speak.… Continue reading Y: Yukon meditation

X is for Xylophone!

C’mon…raise your hands. How many of you think of this little toy when you hear the word xylophone? Actually, the term xylophone also includes instruments such as the marimba, the semantron and the vibes. BUT (for you purists – I’m talkin’ to you, Mr. C…) while vibes are often called xylophones, they aren’t actually a true xylophone.… Continue reading X is for Xylophone!

the alliterative letter U and an Undertaking

University undergraduate Ursula underestimated her uniquely ugly Ukranian uncle Ulric as he ululated and undulated under his umber-coloured umbrella.  Phew! Now for the undertaking: Yesterday I took it upon myself to make a small gift for our egg lady. Every couple of weeks either Mr. C or  I knock on her door and buy a dozen or… Continue reading the alliterative letter U and an Undertaking