Six months of sewing by hand

Getting ready to live without my sewing room for the next six months has required a fair bit of advance planning in the quilting/craft/general handwork department. I’ve decided to concentrate on things that do not require a sewing machine. So I’m keeping my collection of knitting needles and the supplies I need for hand quilting,… Continue reading Six months of sewing by hand

Feels like dancing!

Tomorrow I’m dancing for the first time in over a year & a half…a small lunch-time performance for the seniors over at Macaulay Lodge. Amazing how just putting myself out there psychically  has opened this perfect little door. All I had to do was think to myself “I feel open to dancing again,” and voilà!… Continue reading Feels like dancing!

Dancing, Knitting, Quilting, Gardening: a perfect Sunday!

I had such a lovely morning giving Jade her first bellydance lesson today! We did knee shimmies, twist shimmies, played with some veils and learned to walk like a princess/dancer (pointing the toes before each step and walking lightly on the balls of the feet). Here she is: That beautiful posture and dancer’s arms come… Continue reading Dancing, Knitting, Quilting, Gardening: a perfect Sunday!

Good Monday Morning!

Good morning! Isn’t it wonderful to have a four-day weekend? I am feeling so relaxed . And yet I feel that I have accomplished so much at the same time! On Friday Kelly and I loaded up everything that we had set aside for a garage sale and donated it to the annual diabetes fundraiser.… Continue reading Good Monday Morning!

Everything but the Kitchen Sink

Wow, here it is February already! I know I’m not the only one feeling blown away by how quickly the last month flew past us! This is a bit of a random post… I started a lot of projects in January and thought I would share them with you. First, I have started knitting a… Continue reading Everything but the Kitchen Sink