Head and Shoulders, Knees and…Elbows? Searching for ergonomic solutions in small writing spaces

Dear Vi, I hate to be a complainer, but I just have to tell you: Too much hand quilting, knitting, typing, and gripping heavy weights at the gym have given me tennis elbow in both arms and caused the arthritis in my hands to flare up. It’s my own fault. I let it go too… Continue reading Head and Shoulders, Knees and…Elbows? Searching for ergonomic solutions in small writing spaces

Knitting till the words come home

Sometimes writing a novel feels an awful lot like waiting. And what does any sane person do while waiting? Sigh. I know. It’s the words. I’m waiting for the words. Meanwhile, I’ve been doing a lot of knitting.  

The Heebie Jeebies

It had been a dark and stormy afternoon, so after supper Sam and I decided to get out for a walk before it got too dark.  Or at least before it started to rain again. It was kinda spooky, to tell you the truth… The light had an eerie copper post-storm tinge to it and… Continue reading The Heebie Jeebies

Highway Knitting & the Itsy-Bitsy Yarn Store

We’re home! We got home last night after what felt like a (relatively) short drive. The trip that usually takes three nights only took two this time. That’s because instead of driving the entire Alaska Highway, we cut a loop off by taking the Stewart-Cassiar. It’s a full half-day shorter, cutting one night out of… Continue reading Highway Knitting & the Itsy-Bitsy Yarn Store