Just Write {5} – Michael’s first bike

You got your first bike when you were four because you had started throwing tantrums and daddy said no way we’re not rewarding bad behaviour but I said he needs his freedom from the daycare kids in the back yard, he is getting older he needs to be allowed to do more, trusted to be… Continue reading Just Write {5} – Michael’s first bike


On Tuesday of this week we signed the listing agreement with the real estate agent. Yesterday (three days later )we accepted an offer. Done. Sold. My goodness, that was quick! Closing is July 2nd. We will spend the summer at the Fox Lake cabin, and then onward we will go to our new life in… Continue reading Sold!

Just Write {4}

Mr. C. ( for considerate) went away last week to do some training in Vancouver and then off to visit family and friends for a few days. It was so nice for him because he really needed the break. It was considerate of him to do that, too, because I took the opportunity to take that week off myself.… Continue reading Just Write {4}